Spider veins, also known as telangiectasias, are small, thin blood vessels visible beneath the skin. They appear most commonly on the face or legs, and may looks like a series of lines, tree branches or a spider- or web-like shape, with a red or blue color. While most cases of spider veins are of purely cosmetic concern, some patients may also experience uncomfortable symptoms such as aching, burning, swelling and cramping from this condition.

Many patients are bothered by the appearance of spider veins on prominent areas such as the legs or face, and seek treatment to restore a smooth, clear appearance. Many of these treatments are highly effective and minimally invasive, offering aesthetically-pleasing results without painful or lengthy downtimes.


Spider veins develop as a result of a backup of blood in certain veins, which may occur when the valves in the veins cannot effectively keep blood from flowing backwards as it moves up the legs. As blood collects in the vein, it begins to expand and becomes visible under the surface of the skin.

They are common in the legs because of the fact that blood flow must work against gravity to travel back up to the heart. This condition affects nearly 30 – 50% of all adults over the age of 50 in Australia, and may occur as a result of hormonal changes, pregnancy, obesity, sun exposure and more.

Dr. Jha can diagnose spider veins through a physical examination and will determine an appropriate treatment method based on a thorough evaluation of your condition and medical history. An ultrasound may be performed to evaluate the severity of the condition and identify the underlying cause to ensure the most effective treatment approach.


There are several minimally invasive treatment options available to eliminate the appearance of spider veins and allow patients to proudly show off their legs. These treatments offer patients fewer side effects, less pain and shorter recovery times than traditional surgical vein removal procedures.

The standard treatment for both spider and varicose veins is sclerotherapy, which involving injecting a sclerosing solution into the affected veins, causing them to gradually disappear. This procedure is performed in the doctor’s rooms and takes no more than an hour. Most patients require two to four treatment sessions in order to achieve their desired results.

Additional treatment options for spider veins may include endovenous radio-frequency ablation (EVRFA), which treats large veins by passing a heating fiber through a catheter directly into the vein. The laser seals off the affected veins and diverts blood flow to nearby healthy veins, thoroughly eradicating the Veins just under the surface of the skin can be effectively treated with this procedure.

Mild cases of spider veins may also be treated with compression stockings to put pressure on the veins and promote normal blood flow. Dr. Jha will help you decide which type of treatment is best for your condition.


While there is no sure way to prevent spider veins from developing, there are certain life modifications that can help reduce the risk of developing this unsightly conditions, including losing weight, exercising regularly, wearing support hoses and wearing comfortable, flat shoes. It is important to move the legs frequently, especially if your job requires long periods of sitting or standing in one place. Dr. Jha will provide you with specific guidelines to effectively reduce the risk of spider veins and enjoy smooth, beautiful legs for many years.

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Veins are the vessels that return blood to the heart once it has circulated through the body (as opposed to arteries, which carry oxygen-rich blood from the heart to the body). They have one-way valves that help keep blood flowing in the proper direction. If these valves stop functioning the way they are supposed to, blood can flow backwards and pool in the vein, causing it to stretch.

Varicose veins are swollen, dark blue or purple blood vessels that you can see and feel beneath the skin. They often look like twisted cords, and usually appear on the calves, inside of the legs, and ankles. Varicose veins form when the valves within a vein weaken and allow some blood to flow backward. The vein weakens under the additional strain and balloons outward, raising the skin surface.

Patients with varicose veins do not usually experience any pain from this condition, although some may develop aching, throbbing, cramping and other symptoms that may indicate a need for medical attention. They are prone to developing complications over time which then causes pain.


While varicose veins can affect nearly anyone, they tend to occur more often in patients possessing certain risk factors, including:

  • Older age
  • Family history of varicose veins
  • Pregnancy
  • Obesity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Previous DVT
  • Narrowing of veins higher up (Pelvis)

Varicose veins occur more commonly in men than in women, and the risk tends to increase with age. While not usually of medical concern, many patients with varicose veins are bothered by their appearance and seek treatment.


Dr. Jha can diagnose varicose veins after a physical examination of the affected area. Additional testing is also performed, such as an ultrasound to evaluate the structure and blood flow within the veins.


Many people with venous disease seek cosmetic treatment to reduce the appearance of varicose or spider veins on the legs. Treatment often relieves minor discomfort associated with the condition such as swelling, fatigue, itching and cramps.

Sometimes, however, more significant problems can develop if veins are left untreated. Clogging of the blood in the veins can result in the formation of a clot that painfully blocks blood flow or breaks free and travels to the heart or lungs, causing severe damage and even death.

Varicose veins may also lead to development of dark skin patches and changing the skin to become very hard (Lipodermatosclerosis); they may even end up causing chronic ulcers in the lower legs.


There are several treatment options available to eliminate or reduce the appearance of veins and relieve any symptoms, and may include self-care methods such as losing weight, keeping the legs elevated and wearing appropriately measured medical compression stockings.

For veins that do not respond to these remedies, more advanced treatments may be required:

SCLEROTHERAPY treats varicose veins by injecting a solution into the targeted veins that causes them to gradually disappear. The sclerosing solution used during this procedure irritates the vein lining and turns it into scar tissue that eventually fades away. In most cases, desired results are achieved after two to four treatment sessions. It is mainly used as an additional treatment after Radiofrequency Ablation or Venaseal procedures (see below). It is also used primarily for recurrent varicose veins.

The CLOSUREFASTTM procedure is a minimally invasive alternative to vein stripping for the treatment of varicose veins and its common underlying cause, venous reflux. Instead of surgically removing the diseased vein, the CLOSUREFAST™ procedure delivers radio frequency (RF) energy via a catheter to the clogged vein, which shrinks in the heat and eventually closes. Anesthetic and a saline solution are also injected to numb the leg, squeeze blood from the vein and protect surrounding tissue. Ultrasound imaging is used to locate the treatment site, guide the catheter and confirm that the vein has been fully closed. This procedure is performed in a Hospital.

The VENASEALTM procedure is another minimally invasive treatment for varicose veins which uses a medical adhesive to seal the vein. The VENASEALTM  procedure requires no tumescent anesthesia (multiple injections in the thigh). The procedure is performed in Dr Jha’s rooms and normally takes 30 to 40 minutes to complete one leg. The risks of blood clots, infections and other complications are extremely low as is the probability of recurrence. Recovery is very fast — patients can drive themselves home and are encouraged to walk after the procedure. In most cases they also do not need to wear compression stockings afterwards.

Vein Stripping and Vein Ligation. Traditionally, very large varicose veins have been treated with surgical techniques called vein stripping and vein ligation. In vein ligation, an incision is made over the varicose vein and the vein is tied off, or ligated. Vein stripping (surgical removal of the varicosed vessel) may sometimes be needed to remove large varicose veins from the body.


While there is no certain way to prevent varicose veins from developing, there are some life changes that can be made in order to reduce your risk of developing this condition. This may include:

  • Exercising regularly
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Eating a diet high in fiber and low in salt
  • Elevating the legs
  • Avoiding sitting or standing in one position for too long

To learn more click on this link.

For more information about our Treatments, or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office.


In addition to varicose vein treatments, we offer effective treatment for patients with venous insufficiency and ulceration caused by vascular problems. Dr Jha has extensive experience in the management of Chronic Varicose Ulcers as well as Mixed Arterial and Venous Ulcers.

Venous diseases also include a broad range of conditions that affect blood circulation throughout the body. Some conditions, such as chronic venous insufficiency, develop over time, while others such as congenital malformations, may have been present throughout a person’s entire life. Those conditions also include venous malformations such as varicocele.  We can offer additional therapies for many vascular conditions that are not readily available elsewhere, including:

  • Chronic Venous Insufficiency
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • May-Thurner Syndrome
  • Paget-Schroetter Syndrome
  • Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
  • Vascular Malformations

For more information about our Treatments, or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office.